Sustainable Water Production, Treatment and Reuse Seminar


Registration for Sustainable Water Production, Treatment and Reuse Seminar 2024

Please use this form to subscribe to the lecture series on Sustainable Water Production, Treatment and Reuse:


This course is organised as a part of the CAPTURE initiative ( All lectures will take place from 15-17h at the CAPTURE building (Frieda Saeysstraat 1 Gent) AND livestreamed. If there are any changes to this, you will be notified by e-mail. More detailed information on the location and any changes if applicable will be communicated one week before the lectures you registered for. Questions can be directed to the course organizer at

Invoices will be sent after the completion of the course. This course can be registered through the 'KMO portefeuille under nr. DV.O103194 (the first 'O' is a letter, not a number).

You can find the full program below.

For external participants, we charge a small participation fee which is calculated as follows (ex. BTW):

Per lecture: €75 (€50 for CAPTURE members)
From 5 lectures on: €65 (€45 for CAPTURE members) per lecture
Complete series: €500 (€400 for CAPTURE members)

13 February 2024

Jacob Bossaer - Antarctica as a sustainable driver for water reuse

20 February 2024

Geert Potters - Corrosion by Micro-organisms: a titanic catastrophy

27 February 2024

Veroline Cauberghe - We got the technology, now what? Social Sciences to understand barriers to Sustainable water transition

5 March 2024

Michel Caluwé - Innovative membrane solutions in practice

12 March 2024

Niels D’Haese/Joost Van der Spurt - Innovations in industrial water use

19 March 2024

Lieselot Boone/Gwenny Thomassen - Dive into the environmental impacts of water

26 March 2024

Karen Polfliet - Water management in large industrial settings

6 May 2024

Site visit Dow Terneuzen/Evides

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