Micro-credential Data Analysis in R: Basics and Beyond


In a rapidly changing (professional) context, lifelong learning has become a must. With microcredentials Ghent University offers a new type of course for a broad group of lifelong learners.

Microcredentials are short academic programmes that meet the high quality standards of Ghent University. Both in terms of content and practice, the development of a microcredential is primarily focused on the needs of professionals and lifelong learners. The focus of the programme is on a well-defined set of learning outcomes. They consist of a limited number of subjects to which credits are linked. For following a microcredential, your learning account will be used . If you successfully complete the programme, you will receive credit certificates for the individual subjects and a recognised certificate that offers clear added value for professionals and employers. Microcredentials are organised by the 'academies for lifelong learning' of Ghent University.

This microcredential comprises three modules of this year's course program in Data Analysis:

  • Module 2 - Getting Started with R Software for Data Analysis
  • Module 6 - Leverage your R Skills: Data Wrangling & Plotting with Tidyverse
  • Module 7 - Dynamic Report Generation with R Markdown and Quarto


Register here

Data Analysis in R: Basics and Beyond


M2 - Getting Started with R Software for Data Analysis

  • October 23, 26 & 30, November 6, 2023, from 5.30 pm to 9 pm

M6 - Leverage your R Skills: Data Wrangling & Plotting with Tidyverse

  • December 18, 19 & 21, 2023, from 1 pm to 4 pm

M7 - Dynamic Report Generation with R Markdown

  • Friday December 22, 2023, from 9 to 12 pm and from 1 pm to 4 pm

More information and registration:
