Doctoral Schools

How can I get a training organised by your academy recognized by the Doctoral Schools? What conditions and deadlines do I need to comply with to get a payment from the registration fee from my DS?

As UGent PhD student, you can ask for one of our trainings to be recognized by the Doctoral Schools (DS). That way you can incorporate our trainings in your Doctoral Training Program (DTP). Furthermore, if you comply with specific conditions and deadlines you can also get a refund of the registration fee from your DS.


1. Before enrolling

Check if you have not already exceeded the maximum number of courses eligible for a refund.

The maximum numbers are:

  • one transferable skills seminar
  • three specialist courses


2. Enrolling

Register for the training with our academy at least three working days before the start of the training.


3. Payment

For UGent students: The Doctoral School will pay for your course on the condition that you sign the attendance list for each lesson. If you are absent, please notify our academy in advance by email and provide the necessary documents.

For external participants: Pay the registration fee to our academy, either from your personal bank account or through your employer. Provide the correct information during the registration process. Once the invoice is generated, it cannot be changed.


4. Attendancy

Actively attend all classes. Absences need to be reported beforehand to our academy via e-mail together with the necessary proof (eg. medical certificate, registration for congres, ...).


If all conditions and deadlines are met the Doctoral Schools will pay your course.